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4y11m 2y3m

jackson's been super into moby shinobi! a few nights even after getting into bed, he's gone and grabbed the book and tried to get me to read it. of course, i want him to sleep so i just put it on the side. most of the time, he'll be sucking his thumb but momentarily, he'll sometimes check to see if i'm there or roll towards me and then butt his head into my body or caress/hold my arm.. ugh.. he's too sweet!! so cuteee. he still loves being hugged in the morning and really goes into my body when i hold him and smiles sometimes too.

had our xmas dinner with mom's side of the family at our yi-yi's house and jackson warmed up so quickly! he was able to play with new people fairly quickly and we weren't even that close to him (joe, michelle, and amy). i think he really takes to it when a female guides him and holds his hand and everything. mya's s till shy but gets into play when everyone else gets into it. they had this nesting doll and mya really liked playing with it.

mya first performance (mini performance with jingle bells and we wish you a merry christmas).
she actually did move her mouth and stayed standing for a good portion of it, so i was pretty proud. she was so happy and excited to see us and also proud to tell us about her ELF hat (i called it a santa hat..)

carlo just randomly tried this thing where we stopped having screentime all of a sudden after dinner and.. surprisingly the kids stuck with it! i don't think we used to have screentime after dinner til maybe we started daycare here. jackson for a few weeks prior would IMMEDIATELY call for 'llama llama' before he stepped in the house, so i was glad we were able to drop it. now they just play with each other or random things. mya still loves dancing after dinner :)

jesse gifted us a fish tank and they both actually really like looking at it even when it was just water/rocks and no fish yet

wei family trip to reno
mya leading jackson around the play structure that was meant for 4+ year olds
goh goh's lisa frank notebook set toy w/ puzzles kept her entertained the whole trip
went to circus circus with dad while jackson napped w mommy. loved the games and circus act

finally consistent with naps at home (or at least during the long winter break, he was)
wakes up happy
finally sleeping through MOST of the nights on most nights (with the exception of sometimes getting up around 4:30-5:30, prob bc he's cold or lonely)
started to finally eat stuff when we eat at dinner
recently got into rice (not sure why, it's always been available!)
really into the tiny disney advent calendar figures! always takes it out of the bag and looks at all of them, takes the accessories on and off, lines them up, etc
smiles so big when we sing twinkle twinkle star before bedtime to mya

got a seal plush from someone at circus circus and now cuddles it to sleep. upgraded to one of her top two cuties instantly!
been loving grabbing coloring books to her backpack for school
got so excited talking about all her plans for her upcoming birthday - some notes below
really tries to make jackson feel better by talking to him really gently and offering toys when he's really sad or sick
when writing words still only knows mya and mom but it's so funny bc in her notebook it's literally myamommomomommyamyamya
draws a lot of hearts, flowers, and unicorn horns

pretty dress
playground or park
jumpy house
cheese pizza
heart decorations
goody bag with candy and toys
unicorn cake
