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4y9m 2y1m

 OCT-NOV 2023

22% height 8% weight at his 2y checkup!
forming 3-4 word sentences

loves to share and insists that you take something and forces it on you even if you dont want it
back to mommy phase! only cries for me when he's sad. loves holding my hand for everything and doesn't let go. a lot of times he'll even put my hand to his head for extra comfort or reassurance
loves to roar at people
runs and gives hugs to people even if he's sometimes shy
current fav phrase "BLOW YOUR HOUSE" (big bad wolf / three little pigs)
getting better at walking and not being in the stroller. mya loves to hold his hand and is a great leader!
a jokester. likes to say NO to use and GO AWAY as a joke cuz he knows it incites a reaction
had to lie with him one night b/c he was overstimulated from having visitors over before bedtime. he was just going "hahahaha. hehehehe." as if to joke with me and get me to laugh.. went on for at least a good 5-10 minutes and then kept headbutting me to make sure i was there and was close.
"look at me daddy" "come on mommy!"
first time on swing but still doesn't like baby swings. likes big swing but being on tummy
loves giving hugs! such a great hugger. actually fully embraces
likes to blow farts at people when he meets them for the first time (i think he knows its cute and that it gets a reaction. it's like he wants to communicate but doesn't have words so uses actions instead lol)
had a parent conference with jackson's teacher since he started at this daycare about 5-6 months ago and she said that as of 2 weeks ago, he's finally been smiling more and talking (otherwise he usually didn't have any facial expressions). so good to hear him coming out of his shell.
he says "no" if he doesn't wanna do something nowadays and then is good at playing independently and doing his own thing even if other kids aren't playing with him
speech explosion lately for sure! i asked him like i usually do, "did you have a good nap?" and he responded "i had a good nap." AHHH he's really not a baby anymore!!

they both comfort each other when they see each other is hurt. mya asks if jackson wants a hug if he's upset or tries to distract him with things. for jackson, he says "mya crying" and then "sorry jie jie" (sometimes even if it wasn't him lol.) mya fell on her face the other night and he went to pat her on her head and kept following her to give her hugs!! mya ran away and she ran after her and continuously said "sorry jie jie" ahhhh he is just too freakin sweet, i was tearing up just seeing how sweet and genuine he was.


first time at academy of sciences where BOTH kids were running around amuck (jackson wasn't in the stroller and he was having so much fun just following mya around!)
better with first intros as always! smiled at hindel when she met him for the first time
getting really good at redirecting jackson to do things (vs saying no)
likes making envelopes
wrote a letter to po po and wrote down "pop" cuz i think she remembered my mom continuously spelling her name for her like MONTHS ago. asked me how to write "i love you"
draws flowers, giraffes, rainbows, and stars
teacher says she likes art activities over math, and that she feels more comfortable talking to the teachers now. one time she even said that she was the one that reminded the teacher something and i said "YOU talked to the teacher?!"
we had our first earthquake and mya definitely remembers it! i was sitting next to her while the earth was shaking as we were watching TV after dinner. i felt bad bc i was holding mya but jackson was just on the other side of the couch!!

rose's birthday! wanted to play w emily but she's also super shy and was sticking to her dad but i could tell they really wanted to play with each other. it's cool to see that she was less shy than another person for once and that's she's been coming out of her shell! she was tumbling and doing cartwheels and stuff trying to get emily's attention while she was with her dad, and then they also wanted to swing next to each other with both parents pushing them and she kept saying "i love you mommy!" as to almost show off when she was higher than emily
getting good with kids and playing with other kids around her age (for our first friendsgiving), but was protective of other kids going to her room (specifically scared of kids going up her bed for her 'treasures'). i find that she is pretty protective of her things and our things in general (keeps an eye on it, helps me hold it or reminds me that i left it behind)
