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4y8m 2y!!

got our first smooch. after he kisses me, he always says "DADDY TURN" so we keep switching off lol its too cute
loves to give hugs and kisses
loves to play peekaboo
says 'poop' when he wants to poop
calls bigger things "big one"
loves the baa baa black sheep song and calls all sheep ba ba black sheep lol
"what the!"
"hold on tight"
plays really well with chloe! they just take turns laughing
plays really well with mya (when she's not mad at him) and good at mimicking noises and actions
jackson is patient and a really good listener. as long as mya uses a friendly tone, he usually agrees. otherwise when she's mean he gets really mad and says NO and points and everything
walks confidently by himself up and down stairs, though, if he sees me, he asks to be carried. he still asks to be carried a lot
consistent with eating 2 applesauce pouches in the morning
noodles and dumplings are his fav!
finally eating grapes now and doesn't spit them out immediately. still likes strawberries. 
8% in weight and 22% in height, about 26 lbs and 33 inches if I remember correctly
still afraid of dogs when they are nearby

loves to pose like a flower and do silly faces
runs to flowers on her own and asks us to take pictures
had her first dream (she dreamt that she pet a mouse)
very patient in waiting for balloons (waited literally over an hour in the heat for a face painting)
has come out a few times from bed saying she's lonely. she got excited that jackson might share the same room with him soon, but we tried that once so far, and i think he's too excited when he sees a light and when he knew he wasn't in daddy's bed (carlo did a sudden vs gradual transition and it was a bit much). i went to check on them at 12:30 AM and i found jackson by himself above the stair rails just looking at the night light in the kitchen. he was gracious enough to even close the room door lol. his eyes were all dilated and focused but he went back to sleep ASAP when i walked him back to the room.
getting better with new people every month! smiled at hindel when she saw him for the first time (instead of looking super shy). she responded to jesse (with words) at like.. their 3rd meeting now?! impressive
current lesson: need to learn to speak nicer or just let us know when she's mad and to give herself an opportunty to break or ask for space as needed

they both love peppa pig (jackson more than mya)
whenever we walk in the living room, he just says "peppa!!"
had jackson's 2nd bday party at the house, which was really more like an excuse to have a family get-together since we came back to SF and also to christen the house after it's big renovation for 2-3 months now! it was a success. most of my fam came and it was nice to see them. i was pre-occupied with jackson/mya. mya said she had fun but there were times where she wanted to be by herself in her room, but she wasn't UNHAPPY, i think she honestly just wanted to play with a new ariel doll that my dad's gf gave to her by herself lol. jackson was very clingy for a bit but it turned out he was just sleepy and knocked out in my cousin tiffany's arms. he slept for maybe 15m and woke up while we were standing in front of the cake (we wanted to at least have ppl see him and cut the cake before people started leaving..) but he happened to wake up and everyone just sang to him and he was super confused. he didn't eat much that day except cake and sweets really, but it was the boy's bday! 
