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4y7m 23m

we all looked at the full moon outside the window once and carlo asked, "isn't it pretty? pretty." jackson that night was close to bedtime so he unfortunately only was able to look at the moon for a couple of minutes, but in the entirety of those minutes, he just stared and pointed and the moon in awe and kept saying "moon. moon." when carlo took him away to go to bed he was whining and crying for the moon. apparently when he woke up the first thing he said was, "moon." when i saw him come out of the moon that morning, his first word to me was, "pitty." i was like.. "pitty?.." and he kept repeating and i had no idea what he meant. he walked directly to my room to the window and said, "pitty. moon. moon." SO CUUUTE HE WAS STILL LOOKING AND THINKING OF THE MOON. it wasn't there, so he said "bye bye". i like how he says bye bye really confidently
knows "unicorn" now (vs horse)
loves to randomly bust out in song (mainly rain rain go away & baa baa black sheep, mostly bc we have those books)
50/50 of the time when mya cries he sternly says "STOP"(prob when he's in a bad mood) - prob got it from daddy ;( the other half of the time he's soooo sweet and he says "sorry" and pets her head
loves to hold and grab and hug animals
Jackson definitely has had more sleep regressions than Mya. he had another day where he didn't go sleep at his usual time. he whined after carlo left the room and even later at 8:30 when i just ran to grab something upstairs, i thought i heard something, opened the door, and lo and behold, it was him and he was up sitting in the bed calling, "daddyyy, dadddy" and then when i said i was there, he said, "mommyyy". ugh he is so cute and needy! he kept asking and wondering where daddy was still. such a sweetie.
can walk down stairs by himself now WHAT THE HEEECK stop growing so fast
easily says 2-3 word sentences
still such a sweetie, loves caressing. when i put him down for naps/sleep he always wants to come close and headbutt or make sure a limb is on me
new fav:  hard boiled eggs
still hates swings and being somewhere new
DOES NOT LIKE DOGS and requires being held even if they're close

had one night where he woke up at 11:30 PM crying for seemingly no reason (i think it was maybe teething or constipation) but carlo had yelled at him so i think he was rattled from that and then he started not even knowing why he was crying. i gave him ibuprofen because he doesn't wake up like that for no reason and then i had to carry him for like 15-20 mins or so until he calmed down and was finally ok for me to put him down on the bed without crying. after that, i'm not sure if the medicine kicked in but he was literally NONSTOP talking and playing for the entire hour. i figure maybe it was a mental leap, and was like, welp, i guess i have to go with this! he kept talking about some toys that we were playing with earlier in the day --  an ice cream magnatile "mya ice cream. jackson ice cream. *fake smacking sounds*. -- an angel panda bear that he was rolling on the scooter which fell on the floor. "bear. dirty. bear. dirty." he was showing off ALL of his speech skills and can easily form 2-3 word sentences. i can tell when i talk to him, he knows what i mean.

funny that chloe literally doesn't even register jackson as a blip on his radar. she LOVES mya though and always wants to see / do what she's doing.

had our first outing with serena/archer. serena is a really good caretaker! she was very persistent in trying to talk to mya and include her in various ways but mya was super shy and couldn't respond or would run away from her lol :/ . at the end of our outing, she was like "i can usually get people to open up very easily! mya is very hard." I told her, "she's a tough cookie to crack!" and she said, "She really is.." I told her that I saw her trying really hard and that she did a really good job, and that mya is just a very, very shy person.

can already talk and play with kow fu!
went to first eye doc appt. was really shy and timid but she did good overall, i had her whisper the answer to me and she also has 20/20 vision, doc just said she has a slight eye turn likely bc the eye muscles are just kinda weak, and it's fairly common in children now with screentime :/ we'll see next year
started getting into peppa pig. spoke to me in an english accent 1 or 2 times
started drawing simple figures & flowers! still loves to paint and draw.
got her a cutting/scissor activity book and she loved it! also another activity book where you have to search for things
help me make lemonade one time and seemed to enjoy the process
has expressed interest in making jello & baking at home
went on a crazy bouncy obstacle course for the first time and required absolutely no warming up to it! she just went by herself and i was busy watching jackson while carlo was holding mya somewhere else, but she made her rounds and found me. it's so great how she's so confident that we are close/around that she can feel confident in doing her own thing

they play so well together sometimes, it's crazy! jackson is so receptive at listening to mya and copying what she does. he only gets angry when he hears mya say, "no!" or "mine" which is totally understandable, but mya is getting better at redirecting him when she doesnt want him playing with her stuff
