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4y2m, 18m

can tell she was adapting to the move, crying 1-2x a night which generally stopped after about 2 weeks
expresses when she's mad or nervous when meeting new people "ill be a little nervous" "I didnt like them and i was a little scared"
getting better at expressing her feelings "im getting angry!!" "this is making me angrier!!"
met my immediate family for the first time and got comfortable within 2-3 hours
kept sticking to me first the first 1-2 hours but then started getting comfortable and walking away from me to play with toys
learned how to climb up and down from bunk bed within 1 day
really into helping daddy while cooking lately and building furniture
referred to my mom a couple of times as "your mom" (should call her popo) and then called my sister "monica" (should call her yiyi)
new fav: gave her pouches again bc jackson eats pouches and she doesn't want to miss out, pomelo
general favs: i think oranges & strawberries are her top fav fruits, veggie straws
calls her fav toys "cuties" and protects them on her top bunk where jackson can't reach.. she usually chooses a few stuffies which usually does include a small pikachu plush
into playing with the jumpy giraffe now that we got like 2 christmases ago. named him "tumby"
loves to stick stickers on her bed.. i used to treasure my stickers so much that i never even used them!!
other funny phrases: "youre fine", "im fine" , "Sure" , "i dont even care
got her to sleep back in her room by herself now again, was a easy transition (was sleeping under her bunk to help her get adjusted)
does this thing where she doesn't ask for things directly (sees me eating chocolate and says, "i like chocolate") -- lol
actually seems excited to go to school (helped pack her own bag) even though she mentioned being nervous and more hesitant at the beginning of the month. prepping her in advance really helps!!
getting really good when having her teeth brush. doesn't wriggle anymore and her mouth is willingly open. not a fight to brush her teeth so i can actually go thoroughly now, though i wonder if its also practice and us not poking her as much??
loves explaining things to jackson and trying to get him to say words mimicking how a baby might say it (basically one syllable and repeating it twice, like: "grass grass? build build? (building) lol)
us speaking Chinese words to Jackson is actually helping her be more receptive to learning and repeating Chinese words as well. she would always get self conscious when we would try to get her to repeat things in chinese to us but she's more comfortable with it now, i guess
carlo went to the doc and he said that it took almost no time to warm up to the doc and actually answered her qs too!
has input about shoes / clothes now

favorite word: no
it's cute because he can understand the intonations of a question, and then he responds no, even though he understands what yes is
always grabs the first 100 word books and the huge animals wild book. has his fav page for animals
gets really possessive (prob because of mya). screams MINE when mya takes something from him. one time when he was sitting on my lap and i was holding mya's hand, he screaming bc he was jealous. they both like to fight for my lap and i think recently mya's been acting more like a baby because she wants to be treated like jackson too
LOVES when we sing itsy bitsy and the hand motions. when i hold his hand to do the motions when he's in my lap and then move my hand away, he grabs them because he wants to do it again
new fav foods: mango, mozzarella sticks, RAISINS
doesn't really go for meat bc too chewy and he was teething again.. SO MUCH DROOL. top canine finally coming out
likes playing with edamame (but doesn't eat them)
opens his mouth really big if he really likes a food
understands night night.. one day when it was like 8 PM he actually walked to his bedroom himself and kept saying "night night".. SO CUTE. and then he was playing with some dolls in a house and put one doll in a bed and said "night night"
got pretty good at fishing game!! better patience and coordination
def likes tinkering and doing (mya didn't tinker as much and was more of like a bookworm that liked to listen and watch)
LOVES reading books lately, looking at pics and always pointing at animals and cats
expert climber going up and down the stairs (doesnt know how to walk them yet tho but getting close to having more confidence.. he can walk down pretty well if someones holding his hand)
loves looking at pics of people (like the ones we have of family around the house)
loves balls and cars
likes pulling anything with a string and anything bigger than him
loves dancing (go to dance move is doing a wide squat and going side to side)
every fruit is 'banana'

doc says he's ahead in words! avg for 18 months is 5 words and he's well exceeded
jie jie
mao mao
ye ye
ball ball
wa wa
hoo hoo (owl)
get down
po po
bath bath (always runs to the bath!! must love it)
read book
night night
