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4y1m, 17m

says "get down" when he wants to go to the stairs
pulls hand to lead me to go to stairs to practice going down the stairs
loves going up and down the stairs
goes down stairs with both feet instead of walking one at a time
shy when people look at him, only says "bye bye" and waves when no one is looking
total of 4 teeth at the top front, 2 on the bottom, 2 molars and now 1 more molar coming out
pretty much only eats carbs (rice, noodles, bread), loves dumplings/chinese food
fav fruit def banana (spits a lot of fruit and generally food out), started recently going for strawberries
muk dak? (what's that?)
met bao bao (medium sized dog) for the first time. gets nervous and scared when its close but otherwise, kept pointing to it and saying "what's that?"
met cousin chloe for the 2nd time but really interacted lol kept looking/pointing at her
loves balls, stairs, and playing with poker chips
when over at chloe's house and playing with her toys for the first time, he seems to like sitting still and working/focusing on activities vs running amuck
avoids eye contact when shy and meeting new people but always lets people hold him without crying, even if he's a little uncomfortable

so adaptable to the move even though she has no toys (our stuff didn't arrive til 2 weeks later!)
so creative with the toys that she does have and makes up her own songs
requests for music
constantly wants to help daddy and asks him what he's doing whenever he's trying to do stuff around the house
this is such a cute stage with her really asking a ton of questions about everything, but it was just a lot while i was sick, lol
fav recent food: quesadillas
fav recent toys: window cling toys, 'connecting the dots' paper activity - proud of being able to count + identify numbers and connecting the dots
recent surprise for us: her eating gai lan?! she always complains about veggies unless it's broccolli or cauliflower but she randomly ate gai lan one day with barely any prompting and me and carlo were like :o (not a fluke because it's happened like 3x)
"hold on, let me talk"
"n-n-n-no-no" lol (like an adult)

me: sickest i've ever been + longest I've ever been sick! got sick like 3 days before the flight with a fever where i just laid down for like 2 days :/ and then got super bad congestion/chills after arriving home and couldn't help carlo with the kids at all :/
