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3y11m, 15m

 OH MY GOSH, i still can't believe Mya is already turning 4 next month! we look at old pics constantly and always marvel at how full her hair has grown and how she's shot up in terms of length this year.

as for Jackson, sometimes I marvel at how the year really flew by and he's officially a toddler.. and he'll already almost be 18 months old by the time we move back home.

things --
COVID finally hit our household after 3 years!!

new fav doll is her cat we got her for xmas
seriously prob still going thru a growth spurt. requests for milk and eating more meat than usual again. will eat a whole banana as well (thankfully she thinks of that as a treat)
still shy when around other people and it's funny bc she'll tell me after like "a boy said hi to me" and i ask "did you say hi back?" and she says no
loves to share food with jackson but only sometimes likes to share her toys. makes sure they're in small pieces for him and usually checks with us if it's a new food if she can give it to him or not. pre-emptively shares with him in the car sometimes without us even prompting it!
loves dancing at home and singing. makes up her own songs :)
really good about turning the tv/ipad off now
really good with puzzles! at school they only have like 28-36 piece puzzles and at home we have 48 pc ones which i think are just perfectly challenging and still doable. she must find the ones at school so easy! she doesn't ask for help
hasn't run out of her bed lately after we've put her down! i think last month she was doing that like a few times a week. must have been a slight sleep regression
only friends are all still boys only (she mentions benji, colby, and now a ryan?! it's sad she only has like 1 more month left with her friends :()
REALLY good and intentional with her coloring now. colors mostly inside the lines and very boldy. chooses diff colors for diff sections of a picture
new phrases:
"dont even talk to me" LOL (but its more like shh im focused on something)
"just dont even talk to me"
makes up lots of random names in her pretend play "marlo"
been a little more adventurous with food.. ate a chicken wing and drumstick for the first time, and an EGGROLL (she usually doesn't like things with stuff inside, more homogenous foods). also had mac & cheese for the first time, she previously hasn't liked creamy type foods that you'd eat with a spoon
starting to become really good at counting things (tells me all the time like "this is FOUR fingers" or there's four xxx).. one time when we were driving, i looked back and she was thinking and counting her fingers for something lol

is capable of standing, but doesn't do it too much. likes to do a funny spider crawl instead and crawls really fast in general!
started JUST walking a few steps at the 15 month mark
LOVES music and does this cute booty shake and moves side to side when he hears music.. almost ANY music. i think his fav is baby shark
only knows and says one word confidently - ball, but he says it like "ba". also tries to go "doo doo doo" and "shh"
starting to mimic more and more. one time, jackson was looking at mya and then started poking his nose and i was like ??! and it turned out that he was trying to copy mya, who was picking her nose. i had mya blow a kiss to jackson and jackson tried to do it back, but ended up really slapping his head.
loves pointing at things
still LOVES container play (putting things in and out of boxes)
loves to laugh and smile at me, especially upon waking up. it's funny cuz he'll cry if carlo's the one that's getting him, but once he sees me, it turns into a cute giggle
sleep regression due to teething (AH, IT NEVER ENDS)
always wants to crawl on top of things
loves opening the drawer doors in the kitchen and digging around.
loves to pull magnets down from the kitchen
swipes and drops food on the floor when he's done eating (he loves dropping things and looking down at it)
likes carrots, sweet potatoes, rice, anything sweet, cereal, bready. meat SOMETIMES (only if it's soft). i think he's quite a textures guy and mostly likes soft things so far
loves peekaboo. likes to look side to side if im behind something
started slowly walking! always needs to have something in one hand when he's walking (kind of like a comfort item)
starting to drink out of a straw though most of the time he just likes flipping his cup upside down to make art
likes to do literally whatever mya is doing (doesn't matter how hard we try to divert his attention when mya doesn't want him there). one of their fav activities they like to do together is drawing on moving boxes we have in the living room - so cute! (mostly, he's stabbing the moving boxes with closed markers and crayons, lol)
only focused on mommy when she's in the room (keeps coming to cuddle in my lap and suck his thumb) but will play pretty well independently otherwise if i'm not there -_-
