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3y10m, 14m

went to nyc the weekend of thanksgiving as part of our goodbye NYC tour!! SO FUN. brought  back some good memories and made new ones, as a FAMILY too.

the city really energizes mya. so chaotic, loud, and quiet, but she seemed to have thrived off of it and was really good at listening & walking, especially b/c we were adamant about only bringing one stroller.. (a must with going up and down stairs with the subway!!)

some old favs:
chelsea market - spent THREE hours there! you never know what your kid will be into, lol
dough doughnuts!
cake from sant ambroeus

some news:
natural history museum, saw dinosaur fossils for the first time, that was prob both me and mya's favorites!!
little island

loves copying jackson and also pretending to be a baby
feels like she's going thru a growth spurt! sometimes still clamors that she's hungry and then requests for fruit or a smoothie
finally saw her playing with her best friend at school (benji!) we never get to see her play with her friends and what that interaction looks like but we got to see it during their school winter bash. she, of course, took like 45 minutes to even warm up. benji was trying his hardest to make mya laugh by rolling on the floor and going "he he hu hu" and just being a jester.. then i later played with him by booping him with balloons while there was a fence between us.. then finally she ACTUALLY went around the fence towards him on her own accord and they started playing together (mostly her running around and him following her..) lol. i feel like she treats benji like a pet, and jackson like a pet too, and thats why she loves them so much. likes being the leader!!
LOVES puzzles! really good at them. can do about 30 pc puzzles on her own now, even without a board
loves playing pretend still (love hearing her dialogue when she has characters in the bath)
can now even move the nugget pillows by herself! so strong
asks a lot of "why" or "what"
just started getting into eating shrimp. still LOVES her sausage!!
i still get amazed by her resilience and generally how easy going she is.. like if we have a sudden change of plans or if something she like breaks, she's usually pretty calm and understanding about it and thinks about it logically
new saying "that's my favorite" (but she really says that for things she generally likes lol)

likes to get in front of us to stand then stand for less than a sec and collapse on us and laugh (he thinks its REALLY funny or he must just be really proud of himself lol)
loves to come hold hands and then walk.. he gets almost overexcited and laughs so hard that he can't focus on the assisted walking
still picky with the eating! spits out things that he doesn't like, or wasn't expecting.. like if he's eating blueberry but puts a banana in his mouth, he'll spit the banana out (even if he usually likes it). he mostly loves fruits and carrots, squash, doesn't seem to be too into meat lately *def not lamb* but loves playing with chicken bones!
just took his first THREE steps unassisted. it was so cute! he was walking towards me
loves pointing at things
loves looking at the christmas tree (especially when it's lit). he likes pointing and yelling something while pointing to the tree as if he's commenting on it
still LOVES container play (putting things in and out of boxes
really good at copying and mimicking actions. if i put something in a box, he will try to copy the same thing. i put a headband on his head and he tried putting it on his own head too!
knows how utensils and cups are used but not quite there with the motions yet
understands hi and bye and does a cutie hand wave when he hears the words
