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8m & 3y4m

taught her "exclamation point" when she sees it in a book and she repeats it back to me
still loves recognizing and reciting letters
still haven't settled on a new 'favorite' show but some recent watches are chuchutv surprise eggs & sea of love
went strawberry picking (first of the season!) and she can even remember when we went last year and that we were on a tractor. of course her favorite part is sampling the strawberries :3
getting more courageous with animals! pet a goat and mini horse with less prompting than before
more expressive in what she wants when we're out and will stay back if she wants to see something and we're moving forward
recent habit of putting her fingers in her mouth
can put on her shoes & socks pretty well now
loves bathtime and recently put her in the "big" adult bath (without the kiddy bath) and she freakin LOVES it
good about putting things back to where they belong when we're out before she moves away from it
still loves her cauliflower & broccoli and back to liking asparagus again
loves all her fruit still.. peaches & strawberries. she likes to eat the flesh off the peach first and then the skin last lol
favorite food is still bouncy noodles (ramen)
took a shower for the first time at the hotel! that might have been the highlight of the trip for her haha
so cute when she was on the train! stuck her head out and looked around.. what a ballsy kid!
loves singing to jackson (twinkle twinkle, rock a bye).. also likes singing in general by herself (five little monkeys, johnny johnny yes papa << OMG her favvvv recently)
obsessed with cocomelon
loves the library
getting more courageous and less shy around people! stays in an aisle at the store even when there are other kids there and waits. in the past she would turn around and run away to us immediately
started talking to the teachers a bit more now, and still doesn't talk to strangers but at least gives them eye contacts and sometimes nod/smile (instead of looking down and scared or literally pretending like they don't exist lol)

started sleeping on his belly
chomps down on me when he doesn't want to eat (jeez, good thing he doesn't have teeth yet!)
got a second ear infection this month but at least hasn't been sick again
can sit unassisted but still falls forward or sideways sometimes if he wants to grab something
doesnt care to do tummytime lately
loves to reach and grab for things
raises his arms when we go to pick him up
loves ANY attention
shows so much happiness when he eats something he likes!! he doesn't seem to dislike anything and he doesn't seem to really LOVE anything in particular except PEANUT BUTTER (he almost looks rabid when he eats it lol)
loves grabbing my hair
starting to babble

about 18.25 lbs now!

family tingz:
first overnight trip as a family and even after mya was born - to lancaster, PA!
sleeping was not fun.. jackson prob had the same amount of wakeups but it was harder to sleep overall since i could hear all his movements, along with carlo and mya's sleeping noises as well.. thankfully the kiddos sleep was generally unaffected and mya slept through all of his night wakings. i was EXHAUSTED the day after! 2 days and 1 night was more than enough lol. we did less than planned but i knew it'd be that way. one activity for a kid could last 2-3 hours since everything is a new experience. we just go by mya's lead and where the day takes us. we did pretty much end the day at like 4 PM when we checked in because mya needed downtime anyway.. then i ended up not going out later since jackson didn't nap well and i knew he'd have to sleep at 6:30 but at least carlo and mya went out for a mini adventure. they came back at 7:30 anyway for mya's bedtime routine since mya also didnt nap and needed to sleep early. ah.. "vacations" with kids..
