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2 months

AHHH 2 months! i feel like the first month went by so quickly, and this past month really dragged. it's been a looooong month since he's been pretty constipated and gassy (which affects his sleep because he can't go down from being so uncomfortable - meaning it affects OUR sleep!) he usually goes down for about 2 hours after i put him down at night, but lately he's been waking up every hour to 90 minutes which is pretty unmanageable and forces me to get help from carlo/mom which takes away from their sleep as well. we've all been tired and it's also been so sad hearing his agonizing painful cries :(

he also got his 2 month checkup, and he's about 24 inches long which puts him at about 70th percentile height - 11 lb 11 oz which puts him at 36th percentile weight. so happy he's in the taller range b/c i was a bit nervous he'd be short as he was so small when he came out!

his milestones/developments
started cooing near the end of the 2m mark
long eyelashes!! they got longer and longer
tear ducts came in, so now it's SUPER sad when he cries from hunger cuz he actually has tears.. oddly enough he never had tears before, what an interesting human function..
started studying our faces
can keep neck and head up for much longer at a time
haven't seen him rollover since the first month, surprisingly, but he's definitely capable of it

she's been telling us her favorite color is yellow!! we were never sure before and it was always an inconsistent answer, but it's very clear now =)
shows restraint. we got her an advent calendar for December and the first day, she REALLY wanted to open it and i had to explain for literally 30 minutes (over and over again) that she had to wait until tomorrow to open it. she's been really good at opening just one per day since
still loves reading books at night. new favorite book is "If you were Spaghetti" (given to her by Auntie Justine, who happened to visit this month and was Jackson's first official visitor who got to hang out with him!! -- Reagan did visit but he only stopped for a a little bit)
loves to help sweep
pet a dog for the first time - usually she's so scared of animals. it was a big, old golden retriever named Maui. she was probably okay with him because he was so slow
runs ahead of us when we go out. usually she's super shy and sticks close but is finally gaining some confidence and independence!
calls us mom and dad.. like, where did that come from? she sounds so much more mature when she says 'MOOOOM'.. never thought she would stop calling me mommy
started asking why "but why??"
jabbers a lot more than usual (in the car, before we sleep)
says 'not nice' when something isn't the way she likes it (lol must be a term she got from school)
able to express her thoughts in longer and better sentences! i don't even have examples..
seems to act a bit more baby'ish nowadays at times (saying things like i'm sad - and then wanting to cuddle with me), i think to get more attention from us because she feels us giving more attention to jackson. still not too jealous though, but there have been times where she feels left out and demands that we stay with her..
