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Pregnancy #2: 1st & 2nd trimesters

I realized that I never actually started blogging about my second pregnancy now and I'm at week 26 (which means I'm already nearing my 3rd trimester..!) Almost 2/3rds of the way through and no news - lol - but honestly, my pregnancy hasn't affected my day-to-day too much and sometimes I even forget I'm pregnant!

Mindset-wise, we already know what to expect when having a baby, so I think that's why both me and Carlo don't really think about it. There's no buzzing anticipation or constant research of baby products, baby, or pregnancy because this is our 2nd rodeo and we pretty much have everything we need, except maybe some NB/sz1 diapers. I think when we have 1 or 2 months left is when we'll actually start clearing space for our 'nursery' - which is going to be our huge walk in closet in our master bedroom - and when we'll start re-washing some of the stuff we'll need to use like baby clothes, bedding and some my breastfeeding stuff. 

Our biggest concern this time (not really a concern!) is really how Mya will adjust to the new baby and how she won't be the sole attention grabber of the house anymore! It will be interesting to see how that progresses. She's still too young to understand the concept of what a new baby means, though she has seen babies at both daycares she's been at so she knows what they're doing. They also do pretend play at school with baby dolls so I feel pretty confident that she'll know how to help. It's going to be so sweet to see her be a big sister because she is already so helpful (or tries to be!) around the house.

I think the main difference this time is that I am DEFINITELY more sore and my muscles are more tight than my first pregnancy. I probably never got back to pre-pregnancy body in terms of all that - and I doubt anyone does because I'm sure it's quite a traumatizing event for a body to go through - also, I am like.. 2.5 years older this time around too, so maybe a combination of all that. My lower back feels more sore and my inner thighs and hamstrings are super tight! Thankfully with COVID and being able to work from home 100% of the time, I actually do A LOT of stretching at home! Lol.. like literally sitting in on webinars or blocking video while on calls and stretching at the same time. So nice to have that luxury!

Last time I gained 25 lbs total over my whole pregnancy - I wonder how much it will be this time, as a second pregnancy, and with a boy. At my last appointment of 24 weeks, I had gained 11 lbs.

As of current, I think I am eating more, but not like.. significantly more than I usually would (I could be wrong..) I just go by what my body wants/craves, but my eating schedule is usually
Breakfast around 9:30
Get hungry around 12
Snack around 3
Eat dinner around 5
It's usually a light dinner for me because I actually get really bloated during dinner. I read that your digestion slows down when you're pregnant b/c you have to digest for two so it works slower.. lol. Also it doesn't help that I have a decent sized snack around 3 because I do get so hungry around that time! And we eat early b/c Carlo usually only has 1 meal for breakfast AND lunch (not 2 separate meals) and he's usually starving by the time he gets home. Plus toddlers and kids usually have to eat earlier anyway since they sleep earlier.

OH! Name! We don't have a name for the boy yet.. though we had A LOT of girl's names lined up. We are still deciding between two names and will let y'all know when it's decided :)

1st trimester:

  • Funny that last time I got pregnant, we were moving/prepping to go to NY (from SF) and second time around is the move to Maryland!
  • Forgot what morning sickness was like!! Borderline nausea all day for about a month
  • Didn't feel as shitty as the first time around. I napped and laid down A LOT for the first pregnancy, but didn't really need to do that the 2nd time around. Was able to do light morning workouts in the morning still, even if it meant that I had to drag my feet a little bit
  • No specific food aversions during the first trimester last time, but could not handle even the THOUGHT of veggies this second time around.. didn't really eat veggies for most of my first tri-mester lol.. which is really strange for me b/c I eat a mostly plant-based diet
  • Some insurance snafu's again different than the first time but JUST as stressful -_- less worry this time though b/c I've gone through all this already and already know what to expect/what's important/what's not. I actually never know how far along I am because I didn't download a baby tracker this time around!

2nd trimester:

  •  Not too much changed! Again the only thing to note here is that I'm constantly stretching because I'm sore and tight everywhere!
  • One thing that was different is that during my screening, the baby was moving a lot I remember Mya was a pretty lazy baby and at each ultrasound, the technician would ALWAYS have to poke me to get Mya to change positions so she could take the pictures that she needed to lol. I don't know if it's b/c of COVID or just this hospital's protocols, but I feel like I was doing more ultrasounds last time around - this time I've only done two so far and don't have another one scheduled yet.
