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Showing posts from April, 2021

1 month in Maryland! 4/13/2021

Wow! It's already been a full month since we've been here. Weekends are definitely less eventful here because I think anything "BIG" or cool is at least a 45m drive away.. and with a toddler, I'd rather not waste 90m of a round trip drive just sitting still in the car. My mom's been visiting pretty much the whole time we've been here so far, so she's been pretty occupied and having tons of fun playing with my mom lol b/c it's pretty much like playing with another baby. We haven't done much cuz one weekend we wanted my mom to rest, Mya was sick during another weekend, and then Carlo had to work on another.. I think there might have only been one weekend that we did anything and it was just a trip to the playground and the store or something. But honestly, that's all you can really do around here lol.. drive to the store or a playground. Who knows, we might try to actually do something soon! We're about an hour from DC, and an hour from P...