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15 & 16 month update

ahhh i've been so busy i haven't even had time to post her updates! thankfully, there are still some instances where i still remember so i jot down notes on my phone :)

but yeah quick update on me since i have a bit of time - i've been SWAMPED at work! i  pretty much work nonstop from 8:45-6 on most days, and after that, we play/eat with Mya til she sleeps around 8-8:30, at which point we just need to chill/relax and watch Riverdale (our new thing) and then go sleep. barely any time to think or have real downtime. this is honestly probably the first real time i've been so challenged and so consistently busy at work. i feel like i've been chugging nonstop since March..

on the weekends, we usually (again) just spend all day with her with no computer/TV so haven't had time to do these! glad i have a li'l chunk of time now (i woke up really early at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep so just knocking out some work so i have less to do on Monday). it's finally summer now (been a mild spring) and back to the 80 degree humid summers. blech. thankfully we have a nice a/c here (unlike our astoria janky one last year!) restaurants are starting to open up soon and I can't wait to do some outdoor dining. it sucks now to go out in public still b/c you can't dine in and most places don't even open up their bathrooms so it's hard to stay out for hours when i constantly have to think about when i'm going to be able to pee! anyway - not too much exciting here - updates on BB below! she's progressed so much and i still can't believe she's a walker now. i can't wait til she's able to talk and expresses her feelings and thoughts :)

Still only assisted walking
Says abc
4 teeth out + 2 canines poking
Tried caviar and LOVEESSS it. Favs still: yogurt + fruit, pasta, noodles, rice (all the carbs)
Loves playing with the TV remote
Drinks well out of a straw
More huggy than ever! she loves sucking on her thumb and lying on me when she's sleepy
No more crying at ALL or even any whining when we put her down for sleep
Down to a one nap schedule

Can finally walk!! She progressed so much within these past couple of weeks. I love her cute 'monkey' walk b/c she keeps her hands up and she's so wibbly wobbly. We call her the monkey queen
Pretty defiant & independent lol - pushes away sometimes when we try to hold her hand to walk.. usually only one of us can hold one hand and when we try to hold her other hand, she complains/cries
Repeats words, phrases, and short tunes
Expresses to us more when she's frustrated and wants something
Tries to stab things with fork & spoon
Loves playing with utensils
Can peekaboo
Loves holding a doll and pretends to brush their teeth and feed them food/water
Words she can say: bearbear, apple, wowo, daddy, dada, cheese, uh oh, fish, "sss" (for snake)
Some phrases/songs she knows: 'ba ba black sheep' 'abcd'
Claps her hands when she hears "if you're happy and you know it"
Loves EDM & dancing! And most music
6 teeth
Loves reading books and looking at pictures
Can bite food w front teeth - so cuteeee!!
Loves stickers. SERIOUSLY loves them!
Getting more picky and sometimes doesn't eat her veggies for dinner. Still always loves her juicy fruits and always opens her mouth for berries & crackers!
