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5y7m, 3y Sept 2024 update

adjusted really well to mya being at school and is actually more easy (we thought he'd be harder bc he's so emotional) but as one kid, no fights to deal with, and he actually really loves learning and is generally super happy and easygoing (as long as he gets food and sleep). this is the first we're really seeing HIM on his own so it's been lovely seeing his personality shine through.

loves songs, dancing, dress-up, reading
ALWAYS chatting or talking (mya was a much more quiet baby..) still randomly comes in to give me hugs and also loves to grab my hand to "nuggle" it (still doesn't say s's properly)
first dentist visit - did REALLY well and stayed still. dentist said he was a 'model patient!' held the sucking straw by himself. around this time he also just turned really good at brushing his teeth at night, doesn't squirm or complain
loves using scissors even if he doesn't quite get the hang of it yet (thankfully we have kiddie scissors)
LOVES all seafood so far (squid (grilled OR FRIED), clams, scallops, shrimps)
loves CHEESE
pizza/pasta is DEFINITELY his favorite food
loves climbing up to mya's bed and playing with her more treasured toys when she's at school
really receptive to learning and looks at the educational posters on the wall on his own. really likes looking at all the pics on the wall
mermaids/ariel seems to be his FAVORITE thing

loves randomly cutting things & her version of simple snowflakes
thriving at school! seems to be ahead of our class and overall seems to be taking new information in well and tells us about her day. first week she didn't like it bc it was a lot of waiting and she said it was boring bc her old school did a lot more playtime
new like = california rolls (got into it cuz cerie was into it)
hw is mostly simple math (which she knows and completes in like 5 mins) and practicing reading/sounding out words
already knows some sight words (by, my, the, and). really good at sounding the letters out. already can see progress within 2-3 weeks
1 semi-friend at school (maggie, who sits at the same table as her and they line up next to each other). they don't seem to have much interactions with kids who are not at their tables
can eat a double double from in and out!!
can drop her off at school to go in line by herself and it's only been a month!!

they still love gabby cats + narwhals show
peppa pig stories on spotify
(so thankful they like reading and that audio suffices in the car vs screen time)
