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Showing posts from September, 2024

5y7m, 3y Sept 2024 update

 jackson adjusted really well to mya being at school and is actually more easy (we thought he'd be harder bc he's so emotional) but as one kid, no fights to deal with, and he actually really loves learning and is generally super happy and easygoing (as long as he gets food and sleep). this is the first we're really seeing HIM on his own so it's been lovely seeing his personality shine through. loves songs, dancing, dress-up, reading ALWAYS chatting or talking (mya was a much more quiet baby..) still randomly comes in to give me hugs and also loves to grab my hand to "nuggle" it (still doesn't say s's properly) first dentist visit - did REALLY well and stayed still. dentist said he was a 'model patient!' held the sucking straw by himself. around this time he also just turned really good at brushing his teeth at night, doesn't squirm or complain loves using scissors even if he doesn't quite get the hang of it yet (thankfully we have kiddi

5y6m, 2y11m Aug 2024 update

 mya started kindergarten! still doesnt say hi to people BUT plays with kids so instantly! met kai/parker for the first time and they actually started kinda playing together at the first meeting within like 20 mins or so. tiff/daniel visited as momo was back from hawaii and ALL the kids (caelen, cerie, denise, tristan, mya, jackson) were prob playing for like 90 mins without any fighting or crying from ANYONE -- though - mya and jackson did come down a lot and played by themselves / with kow fu (fishing). ultimately, i think they like their physical space because they were all playing in the small room and i'm sure it prob got hectic/crowded. it was so funny seeing denise/jackson talking and playing with each other!! jackson loves finding/playing with sticks when we're out loves bananas, oatmeal, hot dogs, soft soupy rice, noodles, chicken & duck skin tried bamboo, clams, and squid, and loves it self potty training. generally pretty good about pooping in the toilet. likes