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5y3m 2y7m

responds "yes" (when we ask him qs) - so cute! no lisp or anything. just so confident-sounding
doesn't like putting on jackets (this isn't new though, it's been since like.. a year ago at least lol but he's very vocal now)
still in his mommy phase
some nights he stays up til 9-9:15 and pretty much will just wait until i go to bed with him until he falls asleep. i'm still the only one he wants next to him until he falls asleep T_T carlo can't even help me!
so funny when he sneaks out of bed.. he pretends to be a worm low on the floor, then slowly crawls
still likes to line up toys and categorizes them. if he plays with something and there's a match, he runs off to find the match on his own without saying anything
more into play after school than sitting still for dinner
still loves mushrooms. loves sweet potatoes and can eat cherries by himself!
picks shells/skin of pistachios
loves to pretend to work at an ice cream shop and asks "what you like?" "i have.. vanilla! chocolate!"
"my hola" (olaf). "my favorite zebra!"
"i'm just JACKSON"
says "its TOO LOUD" when we're talking and he wants to focus on something
still comes to me to hold hands when he's pooping "i'm pooping"
"i dont want to go to school. i miss you!"
AHH that boy is too damn sweet

great at initiating activities on her own and with jackson. lately goes to the coloring book and rips out pages for him and herself
stopped night training since it didn't seem like she was ready
used to only choose the cute rubber bands with characters but now back to choosing plain ones
still eating a lot! never ever complains about dinner and still eats an apple a day lol
so good in the morning! if all of us are in the bed, she just stays in the room quietly and finds a page to color by herself
recent fav: pb & j sandwiches
NEW fav: california rolls! FINALLY tried sushi!! and OK to dip it in soy sauce. started dipping some meats in bbq sauce too
nugget toy still going strong. mya and jackson love going to the cave together and being in their pretend world
still loves cats and talks about getting one from time to time. we ran into a cat after †

old favs are back again! charlie's colorform city, gabby cats
new favs: sunny bunnies, koala show

last week of daycare until carlo takes them full time before mya starts kindergarten!
took family photos last weekend on mother's day. jackson is such a ham for the camera. mya is still really shy and reserved but we did get some smiling pics somehow (lol) and there was one pic where she was smirking like she did in maryland!!
